Mugen Souls Wiki

Information here is used for reaching the unknowns of the Captivate mechanic in greater detail.

This is just a research page and not an actual article.

End-game Small and Large Crystal Captivation[]

This section only applies to Large Crystals outside of normal battles in the 12 World battles because of how Charm Requirements scale up to the Charm Average in certain areas. Only the following places will have Crystals scale with the player's Charm:

  1. Mugen Field
  2. Battles vs imposters
  3. 7 World Redux
  4. Mugen World Redux
  5. Ultimate Absurdity Word


Small and Large Crystals will have their Charm Requirements scale as the Charm Average increases. Players can take advantage of their lower percentage forms by reducing the Charm Requirement for the Crystal if they happen to be a good form, or give them not chance of Captivation when the Affinity of the Crystal is for a form with low Charm.

Non-Realistic extreme example:

The player has 1% Charm on all forms except for one, but it has 73% which makes the Charm Average only 10%. At 73% Charm, that form can Captivate any Large Crystal in one turn, even for the opposite form because the Crystal only has the Charm Requirement of 10%, and 73% Charm is approximately several thousand times stronger than what it needs.


The higher the Charm Average, the easier it is to them to get frenzied so it is assumed to be much easier to Captivate Crystals the "lower" the Charm Average. Crystals will get a tiny bit easier to frenzy for every 10% Charm Average increased. That is why it's easier to frenzy Large Crystals in the Mugen Field with a higher Charm Average (and activate Fever Time).


The Crystals in the above mentioned places will first get a Frenzy increase when the Charm Average reaches 11%, then at 21%, 31% etc, all the way up to 91%. It only gets about a 0.3x easier to frenzy from the maximum and minimum Charm Average.

  • 1~10% Charm Average takes -293- Points to Frenzy a Mugen Field Large Crystal
  • 91~100% Charm Average takes -180- Points to Frenzy a Mugen Field Large Crystal

Frenzy basic causes[]

Charm level has no effect on the output of frenzy, it just something that happens naturally when using the captivate command. The enemy's mood, moe affinity, Fetish Pose, random number generation, and what form being are factors that affect the amount of frenzy generation.

Almost all bosses have the same amount of frenzy tolerance (they frenzy easier than enemy in the game)  and will get frenzied in about 1 to 3 turns.

Power and type requirements to increase Charm %[]

Charm levels for moe affinities will increase when "all" requirements are met. Attempting to collect high amounts of the most powerful Shampuru for each type would be the best way to increase Charm level.

If one Shampuru type needed for a certain form is lacking, then it's charm level will not increase no matter how much high tiers of the other types are collected. Ditz and Terse forms can be troublesome because they require "Special" types which can only be found from Story bosses, Rest Stop bosses, Slumbering Beasts, rare enemies, and as rewards for conquering worlds. A tip for getting Special Shampuru early in the game would be to frenzy Story bosses/ Slumbering Beasts/ Rest Stop bosses, and conquer worlds.

The charts below is just an approximation may not be 100% accurate. Tables on the left side are forms which require 3 types to balance while the ones on the right only requires 2 of them.

To see how much Power from a Shampuru is earned, check it the Shampuru collection on the main menu and click on the individual Shampuru. The game does not add the total Power of each Shampuru types, so the player must manually calculate that.

% Fighter Shampuru icon
Attack Shampuru icon
Magic Shampuru icon
1 - - -
2 65 45 45
3 208 144 144
4 481 333 333
5 949 657 657
6 1,690 1,170 1,170
7 2,795 1,935 1,935
8 4,368 3,024 3,024
9 6,526 4,518 4,518
10 9,399 6,507 6,507
11 13,130 9,090 9,090
12 17,875 12,375 12,375
13 23,803 16,479 16,479
14 31,096 21,528 21,528
15 39,949 27,657 27,657
16 50,570 35,010 35,010
17 63,180 43,740 43,740
18 78,013 54,009 54,009
19 95,316 65,988 65,988
20 115,349 79,857 79,857
21 138,385 95,805 95,805
22 164,710 114,030 114,030
23 194,623 134,739 134,739
24 228,436 158,148 158,148
25 266,474 184,482 184,482
26 309,075 213,975 213,975
27 356,590 246,870 246,870
28 409,383 283,419 283,419
29 467,831 323,883 323,883
30 532,324 368,532 368,532
31 603,265 417,645 417,645
32 681,070 471,510 471,510
33 766,168 530,424 530,424
34 859,001 594,693 594,693
35 960,024 664,632 664,632
36 1,069,705 740,565 740,565
37 1,188,525 822,825 822,825
38 1,316,978 911,754 911,754
39 1,455,571 1,007,703 1,007,703
40 1,604,824 1,111,032 1,111,032
41 1,765,270 1,222,110 1,222,110
42 1,937,455 1,341,315 1,341,315
43 2,121,938 1,469,034 1,469,034
44 2,319,291 1,605,663 1,605,663
45 2,530,099 1,751,607 1,751,607
46 2,754,960 1,907,280 1,907,280
47 2,994,485 2,073,105 2,073,105
48 3,249,298 2,249,514 2,249,514
49 3,520,036 2,436,948 2,436,948
50 3,807,349 2,635,857 2,635,857
51 4,111,900 2,846,700 2,846,700
52 4,434,365 3,069,945 3,069,945
53 4,775,433 3,306,069 3,306,069
54 5,135,806 3,555,558 3,555,558
55 5,516,199 3,818,907 3,818,907
56 5,917,340 4,096,620 4,096,620
57 6,339,970 4,389,210 4,389,210
58 6,784,843 4,697,199 4,697,199
59 7,252,726 5,021,118 5,021,118
60 7,744,399 5,361,507 5,361,507
61 8,260,655 5,718,915 5,718,915
62 8,802,300 6,093,900 6,093,900
63 9,370,153 6,487,029 6,487,029
64 9,965,046 6,898,878 6,898,878
65 10,587,824 7,330,032 7,330,032
66 11,239,345 7,781,085 7,781,085
67 11,920,480 8,252,640 8,252,640
68 12,632,113 8,745,309 8,745,309
69 13,375,141 9,259,713 9,259,713
70 14,150,474 9,796,482 9,796,482
71 14,959,035 10,356,255 10,356,255
72 15,801,760 10,939,680 10,939,680
73 16,679,598 11,547,414 11,547,414
74 17,593,511 12,180,123 12,180,123
75 18,544,474 12,838,482 12,838,482
76 19,533,475 13,523,175 13,523,175
77 20,561,515 14,234,895 14,234,895
78 21,629,608 14,974,344 14,974,344
79 22,738,781 15,742,233 15,742,233
80 23,890,074 16,539,282 16,539,282
81 25,084,540 17,366,220 17,366,220
82 26,323,245 18,223,785 18,223,785
83 27,607,268 19,112,724 19,112,724
84 28,937,701 20,033,793 20,033,793
85 30,315,649 20,987,757 20,987,757
86 31,742,230 21,975,390 21,975,390
87 33,218,575 22,997,475 22,997,475
88 34,745,828 24,054,804 24,054,804
89 36,325,146 25,148,178 25,148,178
90 37,957,699 26,278,407 26,278,407
91 39,644,670 27,446,310 27,446,310
92 41,387,255 28,652,715 28,652,715
93 43,186,663 29,898,459 29,898,459
94 45,044,116 31,184,388 31,184,388
95 46,960,849 32,511,357 32,511,357
96 48,938,110 33,880,230 33,880,230
97 50,977,160 35,291,880 35,291,880
98 53,079,273 36,747,189 36,747,189
99 55,245,736 38,247,048 38,247,048
100 57,477,849 39,792,357 39,792,357
% Attack Shampuru icon
Ranged Shampuru icon
1 - -
2 45 80
3 144 256
4 333 592
5 657 1,168
6 1,170 2,080
7 1,935 3,440
8 3,024 5,376
9 4,518 8,032
10 6,507 11,568
11 9,090 16,160
12 12,375 22,000
13 16,479 29,296
14 21,528 38,272
15 27,657 49,168
16 35,010 62,240
17 43,740 77,760
18 54,009 96,016
19 65,988 117,312
20 79,857 141,968
21 95,805 170,320
22 114,030 202,720
23 134,739 239,536
24 158,148 281,152
25 184,482 327,968
26 213,975 380,400
27 246,870 438,880
28 283,419 503,856
29 323,883 575,792
30 368,532 655,168
31 417,645 742,480
32 471,510 838,240
33 530,424 942,976
34 594,693 1,057,232
35 664,632 1,181,568
36 740,565 1,316,560
37 822,825 1,462,800
38 911,754 1,620,896
39 1,007,703 1,791,472
40 1,111,032 1,975,168
41 1,222,110 2,172,640
42 1,341,315 2,384,560
43 1,469,034 2,611,616
44 1,605,663 2,854,512
45 1,751,607 3,113,968
46 1,907,280 3,390,720
47 2,073,105 3,685,520
48 2,249,514 3,999,136
49 2,436,948 4,332,352
50 2,635,857 4,685,968
51 2,846,700 5,060,800
52 3,069,945 5,457,680
53 3,306,069 5,877,456
54 3,555,558 6,320,992
55 3,818,907 6,789,168
56 4,096,620 7,282,880
57 4,389,210 7,803,040
58 4,697,199 8,350,576
59 5,021,118 8,926,432
60 5,361,507 9,531,568
61 5,718,915 10,166,960
62 6,093,900 10,833,600
63 6,487,029 11,532,496
64 6,898,878 12,264,672
65 7,330,032 13,031,168
66 7,781,085 13,833,040
67 8,252,640 14,671,360
68 8,745,309 15,547,216
69 9,259,713 16,461,712
70 9,796,482 17,415,968
71 10,356,255 18,411,120
72 10,939,680 19,448,320
73 11,547,414 20,528,736
74 12,180,123 21,653,552
75 12,838,482 22,823,968
76 13,523,175 24,041,200
77 14,234,895 25,306,480
78 14,974,344 26,621,056
79 15,742,233 27,986,192
80 16,539,282 29,403,168
81 17,366,220 30,873,280
82 18,223,785 32,397,840
83 19,112,724 33,978,176
84 20,033,793 35,615,632
85 20,987,757 37,311,568
86 21,975,390 39,067,360
87 22,997,475 40,884,400
88 24,054,804 42,764,096
89 25,148,178 44,707,872
90 26,278,407 46,717,168
91 27,446,310 48,793,440
92 28,652,715 50,938,160
93 29,898,459 53,152,816
94 31,184,388 55,438,912
95 32,511,357 57,797,968
96 33,880,230 60,231,520
97 35,291,880 62,741,120
98 36,747,189 65,328,336
99 38,247,048 67,994,752
100 39,792,357 70,741,968
% Magic Shampuru icon
Support Shampuru icon
Special Shampuru icon
1 - - -
2 45 95 280
3 144 304 896
4 333 703 2,072
5 657 1,387 4,088
6 1,170 2,470 7,280
7 1,935 4,085 12,040
8 3,024 6,384 18,816
9 4,518 9,538 28,112
10 6,507 13,737 40,488
11 9,090 19,190 56,560
12 12,375 26,125 77,000
13 16,479 34,789 102,536
14 21,528 45,448 133,952
15 27,657 58,387 172,088
16 35,010 73,910 217,840
17 43,740 92,340 272,160
18 54,009 114,019 336,056
19 65,988 139,308 410,592
20 79,857 168,587 496,888
21 95,805 202,255 596,120
22 114,030 240,730 709,520
23 134,739 284,449 838,376
24 158,148 333,868 984,032
25 184,482 389,462 1,147,888
26 213,975 451,725 1,331,400
27 246,870 521,170 1,536,080
28 283,419 598,329 1,763,496
29 323,883 683,753 2,015,272
30 368,532 778,012 2,293,088
31 417,645 881,695 2,598,680
32 471,510 995,410 2,933,840
33 530,424 1,119,784 3,300,416
34 594,693 1,255,463 3,700,312
35 664,632 1,403,112 4,135,488
36 740,565 1,563,415 4,607,960
37 822,825 1,737,075 5,119,800
38 911,754 1,924,814 5,673,136
39 1,007,703 2,127,373 6,270,152
40 1,111,032 2,345,512 6,913,088
41 1,222,110 2,580,010 7,604,240
42 1,341,315 2,831,665 8,345,960
43 1,469,034 3,101,294 9,140,656
44 1,605,663 3,389,733 9,990,792
45 1,751,607 3,697,837 10,898,888
46 1,907,280 4,026,480 11,867,520
47 2,073,105 4,376,555 12,899,320
48 2,249,514 4,748,974 13,996,976
49 2,436,948 5,144,668 15,163,232
50 2,635,857 5,564,587 16,400,888
51 2,846,700 6,009,700 17,712,800
52 3,069,945 6,480,995 19,101,880
53 3,306,069 6,979,479 20,571,096
54 3,555,558 7,506,178 22,123,472
55 3,818,907 8,062,137 23,762,088
56 4,096,620 8,648,420 25,490,080
57 4,389,210 9,266,110 27,310,640
58 4,697,199 9,916,309 29,227,016
59 5,021,118 10,600,138 31,242,512
60 5,361,507 11,318,737 33,360,488
61 5,718,915 12,073,265 35,584,360
62 6,093,900 12,864,900 37,917,600
63 6,487,029 13,694,839 40,363,736
64 6,898,878 14,564,298 42,926,352
65 7,330,032 15,474,512 45,609,088
66 7,781,085 16,426,735 48,415,640
67 8,252,640 17,422,240 51,349,760
68 8,745,309 18,462,319 54,415,256
69 9,259,713 19,548,283 57,615,992
70 9,796,482 20,681,462 60,955,888
71 10,356,255 21,863,205 64,438,920
72 10,939,680 23,094,880 68,069,120
73 11,547,414 24,377,874 71,850,576
74 12,180,123 25,713,593 75,787,432
75 12,838,482 27,103,462 79,883,888
76 13,523,175 28,548,925 84,144,200
77 14,234,895 30,051,445 88,572,680
78 14,974,344 31,612,504 93,173,696
79 15,742,233 33,233,603 97,951,672
80 16,539,282 34,916,262 102,911,088
81 17,366,220 36,662,020 108,056,480
82 18,223,785 38,472,435 113,392,440
83 19,112,724 40,349,084 118,923,616
84 20,033,793 42,293,563 124,654,712
85 20,987,757 44,307,487 130,590,488
86 21,975,390 46,392,490 136,735,760
87 22,997,475 48,550,225 143,095,400
88 24,054,804 50,782,364 149,674,336
89 25,148,178 53,090,598 156,477,552
90 26,278,407 55,476,637 163,510,088
91 27,446,310 57,942,210 170,777,040
92 28,652,715 60,489,065 178,283,560
93 29,898,459 63,118,969 186,034,856
94 31,184,388 65,833,708 194,036,192
95 32,511,357 68,635,087 202,292,888
96 33,880,230 71,524,930 210,810,320
97 35,291,880 74,505,080 219,593,920
98 36,747,189 77,577,399 228,649,176
99 38,247,048 80,743,768 237,981,632
100 39,792,357 84,006,087 247,596,888
% Defense Shampuru icon
Support Shampuru icon
1 - -
2 45 95
3 144 304
4 333 703
5 657 1,387
6 1,170 2,470
7 1,935 4,085
8 3,024 6,384
9 4,518 9,538
10 6,507 13,737
11 9,090 19,190
12 12,375 26,125
13 16,479 34,789
14 21,528 45,448
15 27,657 58,387
16 35,010 73,910
17 43,740 92,340
18 54,009 114,019
19 65,988 139,308
20 79,857 168,587
21 95,805 202,255
22 114,030 240,730
23 134,739 284,449
24 158,148 333,868
25 184,482 389,462
26 213,975 451,725
27 246,870 521,170
28 283,419 598,329
29 323,883 683,753
30 368,532 778,012
31 417,645 881,695
32 471,510 995,410
33 530,424 1,119,784
34 594,693 1,255,463
35 664,632 1,403,112
36 740,565 1,563,415
37 822,825 1,737,075
38 911,754 1,924,814
39 1,007,703 2,127,373
40 1,111,032 2,345,512
41 1,222,110 2,580,010
42 1,341,315 2,831,665
43 1,469,034 3,101,294
44 1,605,663 3,389,733
45 1,751,607 3,697,837
46 1,907,280 4,026,480
47 2,073,105 4,376,555
48 2,249,514 4,748,974
49 2,436,948 5,144,668
50 2,635,857 5,564,587
51 2,846,700 6,009,700
52 3,069,945 6,480,995
53 3,306,069 6,979,479
54 3,555,558 7,506,178
55 3,818,907 8,062,137
56 4,096,620 8,648,420
57 4,389,210 9,266,110
58 4,697,199 9,916,309
59 5,021,118 10,600,138
60 5,361,507 11,318,737
61 5,718,915 12,073,265
62 6,093,900 12,864,900
63 6,487,029 13,694,839
64 6,898,878 14,564,298
65 7,330,032 15,474,512
66 7,781,085 16,426,735
67 8,252,640 17,422,240
68 8,745,309 18,462,319
69 9,259,713 19,548,283
70 9,796,482 20,681,462
71 10,356,255 21,863,205
72 10,939,680 23,094,880
73 11,547,414 24,377,874
74 12,180,123 25,713,593
75 12,838,482 27,103,462
76 13,523,175 28,548,925
77 14,234,895 30,051,445
78 14,974,344 31,612,504
79 15,742,233 33,233,603
80 16,539,282 34,916,262
81 17,366,220 36,662,020
82 18,223,785 38,472,435
83 19,112,724 40,349,084
84 20,033,793 42,293,563
85 20,987,757 44,307,487
86 21,975,390 46,392,490
87 22,997,475 48,550,225
88 24,054,804 50,782,364
89 25,148,178 53,090,598
90 26,278,407 55,476,637
91 27,446,310 57,942,210
92 28,652,715 60,489,065
93 29,898,459 63,118,969
94 31,184,388 65,833,708
95 32,511,357 68,635,087
96 33,880,230 71,524,930
97 35,291,880 74,505,080
98 36,747,189 77,577,399
99 38,247,048 80,743,768
100 39,792,357 84,006,087
% Fighter Shampuru icon
Attack Shampuru icon
Defense Shampuru icon
1 - - -
2 65 45 45
3 208 144 144
4 481 333 333
5 949 657 657
6 1,690 1,170 1,170
7 2,795 1,935 1,935
8 4,368 3,024 3,024
9 6,526 4,518 4,518
10 9,399 6,507 6,507
11 13,130 9,090 9,090
12 17,875 12,375 12,375
13 23,803 16,479 16,479
14 31,096 21,528 21,528
15 39,949 27,657 27,657
16 50,570 35,010 35,010
17 63,180 43,740 43,740
18 78,013 54,009 54,009
19 95,316 65,988 65,988
20 115,349 79,857 79,857
21 138,385 95,805 95,805
22 164,710 114,030 114,030
23 194,623 134,739 134,739
24 228,436 158,148 158,148
25 266,474 184,482 184,482
26 309,075 213,975 213,975
27 356,590 246,870 246,870
28 409,383 283,419 283,419
29 467,831 323,883 323,883
30 532,324 368,532 368,532
31 603,265 417,645 417,645
32 681,070 471,510 471,510
33 766,168 530,424 530,424
34 859,001 594,693 594,693
35 960,024 664,632 664,632
36 1,069,705 740,565 740,565
37 1,188,525 822,825 822,825
38 1,316,978 911,754 911,754
39 1,455,571 1,007,703 1,007,703
40 1,604,824 1,111,032 1,111,032
41 1,765,270 1,222,110 1,222,110
42 1,937,455 1,341,315 1,341,315
43 2,121,938 1,469,034 1,469,034
44 2,319,291 1,605,663 1,605,663
45 2,530,099 1,751,607 1,751,607
46 2,754,960 1,907,280 1,907,280
47 2,994,485 2,073,105 2,073,105
48 3,249,298 2,249,514 2,249,514
49 3,520,036 2,436,948 2,436,948
50 3,807,349 2,635,857 2,635,857
51 4,111,900 2,846,700 2,846,700
52 4,434,365 3,069,945 3,069,945
53 4,775,433 3,306,069 3,306,069
54 5,135,806 3,555,558 3,555,558
55 5,516,199 3,818,907 3,818,907
56 5,917,340 4,096,620 4,096,620
57 6,339,970 4,389,210 4,389,210
58 6,784,843 4,697,199 4,697,199
59 7,252,726 5,021,118 5,021,118
60 7,744,399 5,361,507 5,361,507
61 8,260,655 5,718,915 5,718,915
62 8,802,300 6,093,900 6,093,900
63 9,370,153 6,487,029 6,487,029
64 9,965,046 6,898,878 6,898,878
65 10,587,824 7,330,032 7,330,032
66 11,239,345 7,781,085 7,781,085
67 11,920,480 8,252,640 8,252,640
68 12,632,113 8,745,309 8,745,309
69 13,375,141 9,259,713 9,259,713
70 14,150,474 9,796,482 9,796,482
71 14,959,035 10,356,255 10,356,255
72 15,801,760 10,939,680 10,939,680
73 16,679,598 11,547,414 11,547,414
74 17,593,511 12,180,123 12,180,123
75 18,544,474 12,838,482 12,838,482
76 19,533,475 13,523,175 13,523,175
77 20,561,515 14,234,895 14,234,895
78 21,629,608 14,974,344 14,974,344
79 22,738,781 15,742,233 15,742,233
80 23,890,074 16,539,282 16,539,282
81 25,084,540 17,366,220 17,366,220
82 26,323,245 18,223,785 18,223,785
83 27,607,268 19,112,724 19,112,724
84 28,937,701 20,033,793 20,033,793
85 30,315,649 20,987,757 20,987,757
86 31,742,230 21,975,390 21,975,390
87 33,218,575 22,997,475 22,997,475
88 34,745,828 24,054,804 24,054,804
89 36,325,146 25,148,178 25,148,178
90 37,957,699 26,278,407 26,278,407
91 39,644,670 27,446,310 27,446,310
92 41,387,255 28,652,715 28,652,715
93 43,186,663 29,898,459 29,898,459
94 45,044,116 31,184,388 31,184,388
95 46,960,849 32,511,357 32,511,357
96 48,938,110 33,880,230 33,880,230
97 50,977,160 35,291,880 35,291,880
98 53,079,273 36,747,189 36,747,189
99 55,245,736 38,247,048 38,247,048
100 57,477,849 39,792,357 39,792,357
% Defense Shampuru icon
Ranged Shampuru icon
1 - -
2 45 80
3 144 256
4 333 592
5 657 1,168
6 1,170 2,080
7 1,935 3,440
8 3,024 5,376
9 4,518 8,032
10 6,507 11,568
11 9,090 16,160
12 12,375 22,000
13 16,479 29,296
14 21,528 38,272
15 27,657 49,168
16 35,010 62,240
17 43,740 77,760
18 54,009 96,016
19 65,988 117,312
20 79,857 141,968
21 95,805 170,320
22 114,030 202,720
23 134,739 239,536
24 158,148 281,152
25 184,482 327,968
26 213,975 380,400
27 246,870 438,880
28 283,419 503,856
29 323,883 575,792
30 368,532 655,168
31 417,645 742,480
32 471,510 838,240
33 530,424 942,976
34 594,693 1,057,232
35 664,632 1,181,568
36 740,565 1,316,560
37 822,825 1,462,800
38 911,754 1,620,896
39 1,007,703 1,791,472
40 1,111,032 1,975,168
41 1,222,110 2,172,640
42 1,341,315 2,384,560
43 1,469,034 2,611,616
44 1,605,663 2,854,512
45 1,751,607 3,113,968
46 1,907,280 3,390,720
47 2,073,105 3,685,520
48 2,249,514 3,999,136
49 2,436,948 4,332,352
50 2,635,857 4,685,968
51 2,846,700 5,060,800
52 3,069,945 5,457,680
53 3,306,069 5,877,456
54 3,555,558 6,320,992
55 3,818,907 6,789,168
56 4,096,620 7,282,880
57 4,389,210 7,803,040
58 4,697,199 8,350,576
59 5,021,118 8,926,432
60 5,361,507 9,531,568
61 5,718,915 10,166,960
62 6,093,900 10,833,600
63 6,487,029 11,532,496
64 6,898,878 12,264,672
65 7,330,032 13,031,168
66 7,781,085 13,833,040
67 8,252,640 14,671,360
68 8,745,309 15,547,216
69 9,259,713 16,461,712
70 9,796,482 17,415,968
71 10,356,255 18,411,120
72 10,939,680 19,448,320
73 11,547,414 20,528,736
74 12,180,123 21,653,552
75 12,838,482 22,823,968
76 13,523,175 24,041,200
77 14,234,895 25,306,480
78 14,974,344 26,621,056
79 15,742,233 27,986,192
80 16,539,282 29,403,168
81 17,366,220 30,873,280
82 18,223,785 32,397,840
83 19,112,724 33,978,176
84 20,033,793 35,615,632
85 20,987,757 37,311,568
86 21,975,390 39,067,360
87 22,997,475 40,884,400
88 24,054,804 42,764,096
89 25,148,178 44,707,872
90 26,278,407 46,717,168
91 27,446,310 48,793,440
92 28,652,715 50,938,160
93 29,898,459 53,152,816
94 31,184,388 55,438,912
95 32,511,357 57,797,968
96 33,880,230 60,231,520
97 35,291,880 62,741,120
98 36,747,189 65,328,336
99 38,247,048 67,994,752
100 39,792,357 70,741,968
% Magic Shampuru icon
Ranged Shampuru icon
Special Shampuru icon
1 - - -
2 45 80 280
3 144 256 896
4 333 592 2,072
5 657 1,168 4,088
6 1,170 2,080 7,280
7 1,935 3,440 12,040
8 3,024 5,376 18,816
9 4,518 8,032 28,112
10 6,507 11,568 40,488
11 9,090 16,160 56,560
12 12,375 22,000 77,000
13 16,479 29,296 102,536
14 21,528 38,272 133,952
15 27,657 49,168 172,088
16 35,010 62,240 217,840
17 43,740 77,760 272,160
18 54,009 96,016 336,056
19 65,988 117,312 410,592
20 79,857 141,968 496,888
21 95,805 170,320 596,120
22 114,030 202,720 709,520
23 134,739 239,536 838,376
24 158,148 281,152 984,032
25 184,482 327,968 1,147,888
26 213,975 380,400 1,331,400
27 246,870 438,880 1,536,080
28 283,419 503,856 1,763,496
29 323,883 575,792 2,015,272
30 368,532 655,168 2,293,088
31 417,645 742,480 2,598,680
32 471,510 838,240 2,933,840
33 530,424 942,976 3,300,416
34 594,693 1,057,232 3,700,312
35 664,632 1,181,568 4,135,488
36 740,565 1,316,560 4,607,960
37 822,825 1,462,800 5,119,800
38 911,754 1,620,896 5,673,136
39 1,007,703 1,791,472 6,270,152
40 1,111,032 1,975,168 6,913,088
41 1,222,110 2,172,640 7,604,240
42 1,341,315 2,384,560 8,345,960
43 1,469,034 2,611,616 9,140,656
44 1,605,663 2,854,512 9,990,792
45 1,751,607 3,113,968 10,898,888
46 1,907,280 3,390,720 11,867,520
47 2,073,105 3,685,520 12,899,320
48 2,249,514 3,999,136 13,996,976
49 2,436,948 4,332,352 15,163,232
50 2,635,857 4,685,968 16,400,888
51 2,846,700 5,060,800 17,712,800
52 3,069,945 5,457,680 19,101,880
53 3,306,069 5,877,456 20,571,096
54 3,555,558 6,320,992 22,123,472
55 3,818,907 6,789,168 23,762,088
56 4,096,620 7,282,880 25,490,080
57 4,389,210 7,803,040 27,310,640
58 4,697,199 8,350,576 29,227,016
59 5,021,118 8,926,432 31,242,512
60 5,361,507 9,531,568 33,360,488
61 5,718,915 10,166,960 35,584,360
62 6,093,900 10,833,600 37,917,600
63 6,487,029 11,532,496 40,363,736
64 6,898,878 12,264,672 42,926,352
65 7,330,032 13,031,168 45,609,088
66 7,781,085 13,833,040 48,415,640
67 8,252,640 14,671,360 51,349,760
68 8,745,309 15,547,216 54,415,256
69 9,259,713 16,461,712 57,615,992
70 9,796,482 17,415,968 60,955,888
71 10,356,255 18,411,120 64,438,920
72 10,939,680 19,448,320 68,069,120
73 11,547,414 20,528,736 71,850,576
74 12,180,123 21,653,552 75,787,432
75 12,838,482 22,823,968 79,883,888
76 13,523,175 24,041,200 84,144,200
77 14,234,895 25,306,480 88,572,680
78 14,974,344 26,621,056 93,173,696
79 15,742,233 27,986,192 97,951,672
80 16,539,282 29,403,168 102,911,088
81 17,366,220 30,873,280 108,056,480
82 18,223,785 32,397,840 113,392,440
83 19,112,724 33,978,176 118,923,616
84 20,033,793 35,615,632 124,654,712
85 20,987,757 37,311,568 130,590,488
86 21,975,390 39,067,360 136,735,760
87 22,997,475 40,884,400 143,095,400
88 24,054,804 42,764,096 149,674,336
89 25,148,178 44,707,872 156,477,552
90 26,278,407 46,717,168 163,510,088
91 27,446,310 48,793,440 170,777,040
92 28,652,715 50,938,160 178,283,560
93 29,898,459 53,152,816 186,034,856
94 31,184,388 55,438,912 194,036,192
95 32,511,357 57,797,968 202,292,888
96 33,880,230 60,231,520 210,810,320
97 35,291,880 62,741,120 219,593,920
98 36,747,189 65,328,336 228,649,176
99 38,247,048 67,994,752 237,981,632
100 39,792,357 70,741,968 247,596,888
% Fighter Shampuru icon
Support Shampuru icon
1 - -
2 65 95
3 208 304
4 481 703
5 949 1,387
6 1,690 2,470
7 2,795 4,085
8 4,368 6,384
9 6,526 9,538
10 9,399 13,737
11 13,130 19,190
12 17,875 26,125
13 23,803 34,789
14 31,096 45,448
15 39,949 58,387
16 50,570 73,910
17 63,180 92,340
18 78,013 114,019
19 95,316 139,308
20 115,349 168,587
21 138,385 202,255
22 164,710 240,730
23 194,623 284,449
24 228,436 333,868
25 266,474 389,462
26 309,075 451,725
27 356,590 521,170
28 409,383 598,329
29 467,831 683,753
30 532,324 778,012
31 603,265 881,695
32 681,070 995,410
33 766,168 1,119,784
34 859,001 1,255,463
35 960,024 1,403,112
36 1,069,705 1,563,415
37 1,188,525 1,737,075
38 1,316,978 1,924,814
39 1,455,571 2,127,373
40 1,604,824 2,345,512
41 1,765,270 2,580,010
42 1,937,455 2,831,665
43 2,121,938 3,101,294
44 2,319,291 3,389,733
45 2,530,099 3,697,837
46 2,754,960 4,026,480
47 2,994,485 4,376,555
48 3,249,298 4,748,974
49 3,520,036 5,144,668
50 3,807,349 5,564,587
51 4,111,900 6,009,700
52 4,434,365 6,480,995
53 4,775,433 6,979,479
54 5,135,806 7,506,178
55 5,516,199 8,062,137
56 5,917,340 8,648,420
57 6,339,970 9,266,110
58 6,784,843 9,916,309
59 7,252,726 10,600,138
60 7,744,399 11,318,737
61 8,260,655 12,073,265
62 8,802,300 12,864,900
63 9,370,153 13,694,839
64 9,965,046 14,564,298
65 10,587,824 15,474,512
66 11,239,345 16,426,735
67 11,920,480 17,422,240
68 12,632,113 18,462,319
69 13,375,141 19,548,283
70 14,150,474 20,681,462
71 14,959,035 21,863,205
72 15,801,760 23,094,880
73 16,679,598 24,377,874
74 17,593,511 25,713,593
75 18,544,474 27,103,462
76 19,533,475 28,548,925
77 20,561,515 30,051,445
78 21,629,608 31,612,504
79 22,738,781 33,233,603
80 23,890,074 34,916,262
81 25,084,540 36,662,020
82 26,323,245 38,472,435
83 27,607,268 40,349,084
84 28,937,701 42,293,563
85 30,315,649 44,307,487
86 31,742,230 46,392,490
87 33,218,575 48,550,225
88 34,745,828 50,782,364
89 36,325,146 53,090,598
90 37,957,699 55,476,637
91 39,644,670 57,942,210
92 41,387,255 60,489,065
93 43,186,663 63,118,969
94 45,044,116 65,833,708
95 46,960,849 68,635,087
96 48,938,110 71,524,930
97 50,977,160 74,505,080
98 53,079,273 77,577,399
99 55,245,736 80,743,768
100 57,477,849 84,006,087